모드 잡뉴스&기타등등

타이라니드 모드 최신 뉴스

지게쿠스 2011. 5. 22. 14:45

Sorry folks, it seems we're going to have to amend our release schedule again.

Apparently in the next 24 hours God is going to start scooping people up into heaven. Clearly, due to our long-suffering nature and eternally giving ways, IT professionals are going to be going on the first God-fistful up, so I'm afraid it looks like we're not going to be able to release anything ever again on this earthly realm.

I'm told though that the God-train will be going until October 21 so it's possible the naughtier of us will be around to maintain the mod down here until then (and if we look at the number of natural disasters God's thrown at Croax, we know there's probably at least one person on the mod team who'll still be around until then), but I'm afraid none of us can be certain that we've racked up enough sinful works to be sure we can maintain mod development through this seemingly horrifying apocalypse of tiny-fraction-of-the-population-disappearing proportions.

Be not afraid, however. I am led to understand that heaven will contain a plethora of unemployed IT professionals, so we may be able to make great strides in finishing the mod after the world is destroyed. It's not like anyone up there is going to expect to get paid. So all we need to do is coerce some angelic forces into constructing us a few quantum computers, set up a LAN and then convince people they don't have anything better to do for the rest of eternity.

Because let's face it, they won't.

So it seems like we're going to be facing a few more delays - end of the world and all - but we feel that this is the most solid release schedule we've had in a while. We have no doubt in our mind that we will have the mod completed sometime in the next after-the-world-is-destroyed. You can hold us to that.

But Really...

Still working at it.  Give us a week or two.  Probably.


...참 안습한 모드네

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