* Imperial Guard Chimera AI fatal error was fixed (no seriously, for real this time).
* All AIs hard and greater difficulties no longer build multiple buildings as it brakes their performance late game. This will not be fixed until grand release, THB, as it is a complicated issue to be fixing now, especially with THB's more advanced AI.
카오스 마린:
* Main menu leader was given some adjustments.
* Shrine of Khorne structures cost increased and damage nerfed.
* Shrine of Khorne can now be repaired.
* Shrine of Khorne can no longer detect infiltrated units.
* The Chaos Sorceror can onLY summon the Shrine to Khorne when the Mark of Khorne was researched.
* Chaos Sorceror cannot use Doom Bolt anymore when the mark of khorne is researched.
* Warp Storm superweapon overall damage increased.
* Kabal Citadel income giveback upon building >= 1 Plasma Generator bug was fixed.
* All Dark Eldar soul costs increased.
* Dark Eldar superweapon cost increased to 3000 souls.
* Dark Eldar Cataclysm cost increased to 12000 souls.
- Dark Eldar's weird bug that changes attack stances of affected units is a first priority fix that we don't know how to fix. Will turn up in later patches or THB.
* Soul Cataclysm now requires the "Construct Superweapon" unit. Soul Cataclysm and Tempest can now be fired by choice.
* Fire Dragon damage output was nerfed.
* Nightspinner and Voidspinner damage outputs were nerfed.
* Wraithguard overall damage and durability increased.
* Wraithcannons are now a very powerful weapon, almost 3x stronger than before!
* Wraithcannons are now very expensive and require tier IV, but when acquired, they will be able to deal with any and all threats.
* Eldritch Cataclysm now requires the "Construct Superweapon" unit. Other superweapons and Eldritch Cataclysm can now be fired by choice.
* All airstrike abilities are unlocked after the Aerial Doctrine is researched. Fixed all glitches officially.
* Primaris Psyker morale maximum and morale recovery rates increased.
* Armor Doctrine and Infantry Doctrine now increases squad/support cap on top of max support/squad cap.
* Infantry Doctrine now applies morale bonuses to the player.
* Infantry Doctrine now properly states what it does.
* The General's Speech no longer affects the General's morale. All enemies around the globe will now almost have depleted morale upon use of the ability.
* Plasma Generators now give off +5 power per generator instead of +2.5.
* Plasma Generator limit per monolith increased to 10.
* All and every generator no longer decays.
* Tier 1 now costs 250 power.
* Power income researches modifiers and costs decreased.
* Production Grid now protects all units around the monolith from ranged attacks.
* Production Grid research cost increased.
* Gauss overcharge modifiers decreased. Maximum weapon range doubles instead of triples!
* Gauss Pylon can no longer detect infiltrated units.
* Necron Monoliths immediate power addition to the next producable monolith decreased by 100 power. So +250 power added each time instead of +350 power.
* Night Bringer can now leach more health from enemies.
* Listening Posts can no longer set a rally point.
* Listening Post addon II shooting spasm was fixed.
* Grot Gangs can now regenerate their health.
* Slugga Boyz costs 20 requisition to reinforce.
* Shoota Boyz cost 25 requisition to reinforce.
* Stormboyz cost 30 requisition to reinforce.
* Burna Boyz cost 30/5 req/power to reinforce.
* 'Ard Boyz cost 40/10 req/power to reinforce.
* Fighta Bomma overall cost decreased.
* Squiggoths and titan population costs decreased.
* Bomb Squig health super duper increased.
* Great Waaagh! global ability now applies instant production bonus and double the health modifiers to all Ork structures, causing instant spam of units.
* Arch Angel research II modifiers were nerfed.
* Main menu leader changed from Force Commander In Terminator Armor to the Chapter Master.
* Tau Superweapon glitch *might* be fixed for good now. Tested it and it works fine, but there are chances that the bug still persists.
* Fire Warrior Bodyguards can now run.
* XV89 Commander Invulnerability attachment bug was fixed.
* Kroot Carnivore overall cost decreased.
* Greater Knarloc, Krootox, and Vespid Stingwing health increased.
* Kroot Hounds are now effective at chewing armor. (ucs will be updated in The Hunt Begins version only)
* All battlesuit squad caps and costs greatly increased.
* Broadside Battlesuit squad loadout decreased.
* Malo Gunship weapons were nerfed, cost increased.
* Fire Warrior Carbine weapon ranges increased.
* XV202 Mako Titan and Riptide can no longer garrisson within the Manta.
* Manta rail gun damage decreased.
* Manta overall cost increased.
* XV9 Hazard Suit morale decreased slightly.
* Riptide overall damage decreased.
* Riptide shield recover ability recharge timer further increased in waiting duration.
* Riptide Fusion Cascade no longer needs a setup time and can fire on the move.
* Broadside Battlesuit Railgun damages were nerfed.
* Ripper Swarm builder units can now repair.
* All gaunts from the Hive Fleet power costs increased.
* Spore Cluster health and movement speed increased.
* Gaunt health decreased, overall damage output increased.
* Broodlord and Hive Tyrant can no longer spawn the Hive Mind.
* Warriors overall durability increased by a lot. Warriors can now immediately be upgraded with all upgrades.
* Warriors max squad loadout decreased, cost increased.
* Warrior and Ravener Rending Claw damages were nerfed as they were too overpowered.
* Raveners comes in a squad of 5 when spawned, and their health increased.
* Ravener costs to reinforce and produce decreased.
* Genestealer Retinue units who guard the Broodlord are now affected by the Scythe Claw research.
* Genestealer costs to reinforce decreased.
* Hive Tyrant's Venom Cannon damage amount decreased.
* Hierophant Bio Titan damage versus morale and aircraft increased (ranged weapon).
* Hierophant Bio Titan health increased from 28,774hp to 31,774hp. Cost increased by 500 requisition.
* Armor was given to the Bio Titan.
* Turret weapon damages increased.
* Hive Tyrant overall cost increased.
* Zoanthroap sight radius, damage maximum, morale damage, and health increased.
* Zoanthroap blast now has a small chance to knockback infantry.
* Carnifex weapon upgrades damage output doubled and changed up!
* Carnifex tau missile weapon was changed into a melee weapon, causing a chance of deathblossuming and health degeneration (only works on infantry and commander units).
* Carnifex melee accuracy increased.
* Khazi Carnifex now spawns with a devourer on both arms, and can upgrade with deathspitters and Venom Cannons.
* All Bio Plasma now works as a massed attack anti armor weapon, does smaller damage compared to Venom Cannons. FX upon impact was changed.
* All Venom Cannons are now 100% anti armor as a main role. New projectile and hit fx applied.
* All deathspitters now cause severe knockback, causing formation disruptions.
* All Barbed Stanglers now decrease movement speeds of hit targets and has a chance to permanently decay health until death of attacker or victim.
시스템 부분: |
* Added a demo wincondition list in preparations for THB.
* Restrict Fortress Defenses wincondition is removed for a temporary time as it breaks the AI and will not be restored until a possible fix comes up.
* Heroes wincondition now names the Hellsmith no longer as "Chaos Lord Undivided".
필요한 것들
- Ultimate Apocalypse 1.73.
- Dawn of War - Soulstorm
- Tyranids mod 0.52beta - Moddb.com
- UltimateApocalypse_Tyranids (In version 1.73)
- Objective Points mod (In version 1.73)
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