모드 잡뉴스&기타등등

dow1 타이라니드 모드 팀 에니메이터가 없다는 안습한 소식..

지게쿠스 2011. 2. 23. 15:04

Hey folks.

At the moment the Tyranid Mod is hitting a bottleneck.  Our two coders are working as hard as they can to write a lot of code, which is the major part of the next release, but we also have another problem.

We have no animators.

Yep.  None.  Not a single one.  Our animation team has, unfortunately (well, fortunately for them, unfortunately for us) gone to university and don't have the time they once had.  You might have noticed that we have that nice gargoyle sillhouette up there in our pics - well that gargoyle has no-one to love it and make it fly.

So, if there are any animators out there who want to break into the modding community, or really like Tyranids, we need you.  But we'll need you for a while - so please only apply if you know you can stick it out.  Our forum (as always) is tyranids.gameapollo.com, so feel free to go there and tell us how much we need you. :)


애니메이터가 없어서 새로운 모델만 만들어놓고 놀리는 중이라네요...

그나저나 모드 애니메이터들 나이가 고등학교 졸업생이였군요?